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Five more years of Global Entry

After a short hiatus, the ban to reapply for Global Entry was lifted for New Yorker. As of late July, the Department of Homeland Security began accepting applications once again.

This was great news for me, despite the travel limits caused by COVID-19. The very next day after the announcement, I signed up to extend my Global Entry.

After three long months of waiting (I wasn’t going anywhere), I finally got the email I wanted to see.

This was just an alert to select my appointment and secure the interview for recertification. But if you’re returning from an international flight, there is no need to make an appointment. Visit the Global Entry office at the airport for further details. More than likely they will see you that day.

The interview process was seamless. I arrived, the agent verified my appointment using my old card and passport and told me to have a seat in the waiting room. The waiting area seemed to follow the CDC safety protocols of social distancing and wearing a mask. Everyone in the room wore a mask, and seats were blocked to help maintain a social distance.

Less than five minutes later, someone came to get me, verified a few details on the application, and redid my biometric details. And just like that, the process was over. 

Global Entry comes with TSA PreCheck automatically and is key to my travels. I tend to have a habit of showing up 30 mins before departure. I do not recommend this, but the TSA PreCheck helps in this case, and I can zip through the airport quickly. 

Pro tip: TSA PreCheck comes complimentary with Global Entry. TSA PreCheck costs $85.00. By applying for Global Entry instead of TSA PreCheck you will essentially save $85.00. Plus, if you have a credit card that reimburses the fee (American Express Platinum) it’s like getting both for free.

Editors Note: Opinions expressed here are the author's alone, not those of any parties mentioned. None of the entities mentioned has reviewed, approved, or endorsed the content listed in this post.


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