One of the many perks of having the American Express Platinum Card is the $200 Uber credit. If used correctly, the perks offset the fee of the card and make it more manageable.

We spoke on how to use the airline incidental and of the perks of the card. Now let us dive into how to use the Uber credit.
The Uber credit is redeemable for Uber rides as well as Uber Eats.
To do this, download the Uber app to access both of the services.
Add your American Express card to your wallet in the Uber app.
Once added, select "Ride" for an Uber or "Order food" for Uber Eats. (bottom of the screen)

You do not have to use the card to receive the credit. It just needs to be added to your account. It is the same for Uber Eats.
Below is an example of how I used my credit in January 2020.

I purchased food for $24.25. The credit was then applied, and I was responsible for the remainder. Although my order was over the $15 credit, the price was more than reasonable.
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