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New Yorkers We're Back!

To use a sports reference, I feel like Woj (Adrian Wojnarowski). Fresh off my suspension and ready to be back in the game. My game is different. It's not sports but travel. (Technically, we call it Passport Sports)

The backstory: In February of this year, DHS suspended New York's Trusted Traveler Program eligibility in response to the state law that gives undocumented immigrants drivers licenses. Trusted Traveler has a list of programs, most notably Global Entry and TSA Pre-check. DHS explained that the state law would make it difficult for the federal government to conduct adequate background checks as the licensee's records would be sealed. In response, New York issued a lawsuit and thus began the back and forth.

I am happy to say, as of July 26th, New Yorkers are now allowed to apply once again. I took the opportunity to do the same as my Global Entry expired a few months back. Technically I had a one-year extension after the expiration date but wanted to get it out of the way nonetheless.

With the current climate, I won't be traveling for another few months, so Global Entry should be ready by then. Travel Tip 101: There are credit cards available that would absorb the cost of the application. For example, the American Express Platinum Card is one of those cards. Want to sign up for Global Entry? Head over to the official site and complete your application.

Editors Note: Opinions expressed here are the author's alone, not those of any parties mentioned. None of the entities mentioned has reviewed, approved, or endorsed the content listed in this post. 


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