Teotihuacan is a former Aztec civilization roughly an hour northeast of Mexico City. Sometimes the best part of an adventure is getting there. In the interest of time, I hired a private vehicle to take me out there which was the best decision I could have made.

Once at the pyramids, the entrance fee is 75 pesos. (USD 4) Once inside you past a few gift shops on the way to the pyramids, leave those for when you leave the pyramids.
The main walkway is called the Avenue of the Dead. It links the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the moon. The pyramids and murals are well preserved.

The guide walked from monument to monument to explain the significance of each one in detail and what its use was. The only thing he didn't do is walk the stairs with me. There are many stray dogs in the area for that. Once they begin to follow you, there is no getting rid of them.
On your way out, you can collect souvenirs from one of the gift shops. There are also individuals selling various items along the Avenue of the dead.
From the pyramids, I visited Palacio de Atetelco to learn about the importance of the aloe vera tree and its uses. They also had a gift rob with carvings and sculptures made from locally sourced material.
I left Teotihuacan with some important knowledge and an appreciation of the vast history of the Aztec people.

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